Clips added around the rim of the plastic apothecary jar to hold necklaces. |

A quick project, using a plastic apothecary jar. I'm still getting used to the new job and what I need now more than ever is better storage capabilities and organization. I went out and bought a hanging organizer (thanks Ikea!) for my closet because all my undershirts were all over the place, but I wanted to try and use something I already had for my necklaces. For all my earrings, I have a lazy susan/metal upside down organizer that works perfectly, but I was running out of space for necklaces, so I came up with this easily removable craft.
- apothecary jar OR another type of wide lipped jar (made of or any hard surface)
- Picture hanging clips (mine are from the Ikea wire picture hanging kit- as seen here) or any type of clip that won't slip off of the lip of your container- Jumbo colored clothes pins or wooden clothes pins would work well if you have a larger jar.